Tuesday 8 November 2022

As winter approaches it's all about the paths.  Lots of extensions, changes and new paths being built over the last and indeed next months.  These have been put in round the course to improve access throughout the winter months.  As we have found in previous years, each small path improvement has meant a better course in early season.  Alongside this we are upgrading mats, mainly on the Old course initially but with some new mats on the London.  Before we move onto plastic by early December, we are changing the mats on 3rd and 11th Old, with the 9th Tee Old recieving a larger mat on the back tee which struggles to be any good through the season

3rd London

New path and mat.  3rd Tee Upper

New mat 14th London

Path 14th Old

Seeding from earlier in the season has produced great results on greens, tees and approaches and all surfaces are moving toward winter in good condition.