Wednesday 13 March 2019

Starting to get the feeling the weather is changing.  Although unsettled weather wise, grass is definitely moving and density across all areas is improving.  Greens are now ticking along nicely and will have no machinery across them until they dry.  By early April I would expect conditions to be conducive to dressing and aeration.  This will follow the pattern of previous years with a heavy sand dressing and solid tined after.  This will leave a poor surface for a few days but will bounce back quickly as we are not Hollow-tining.

18th Upper
Project work on the course is almost finished for the winter with a number of loose ends to tie up before the end of the month.  The 10th, 18th and back Tee on the 13th Upper have all been laid and are really ready for a cut.  Weather has stopped us on the 5th Tee but the main shapes have been cut and a few days of dry weather and hard work and this Tee will be ready for turfing.  All of these Tees have had new irrigation pipe rerouted and laid, along with re positioning of sprinklers.  Whilst we relay Tees we are taking the opportunity to improve paths, access and tidy up years of wear around Tee complexes as can be seen below.

New path 18th
10th Tee in action
After not being happy with the finish and drainage work on the 15th bunkers we have gone back over these areas with new drainage and both are now in play looking very tidy.  Working on a open hole means it will take most of spring to really knit turf in and create a more complete hole. 

15th Upper looking good
Alongside all of this project work is our regular schedule.  This has included fertilising all aprons, poor tees, all poor areas around green surrounds and any new turf.  Fairways have all been fed with a concoction of Nitrogen and Iron for both growth and to eliminate extensive Moss after the dry summer last year.  Tees are being tined and dressed within the next few weeks ready for play early next month.